
All animations can be viewed on my you tube channel HERE (unless they are unlisted but there are links on the Blog)

Sunday 13 April 2014

Timing practice

I thought it was about time to address Some of the basic principles of animation. There are 12 basic principles of animation. Such as timing, In the other animations I have made I haven't thought about real life timings I just decided what to do and did it with little planning. However timing is essential to make an animation more engaging.  so I have had a go at..

  • squash and stretch -ball bouncing
  • ball drop
  • ball rolling
  • ball down stairs
  • balloon down stairs/falling from sky
  • car accelerating/stopping.
I know that some of these are far from perfect however I am quite pleased with how some of these turned out for my first attempt. practise makes perfect. (384 frames.)

some stills

A floating balloon!!

It looks like he is going to fall of the step!!!

mid bounce

squashed ball

all laid out ready for shooting!!!

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