
All animations can be viewed on my you tube channel HERE (unless they are unlisted but there are links on the Blog)

Tuesday 15 April 2014

It must be Christmas or something...

Okay maybe not but two parcels in two days :) (although it does help if you order stuff) I ordered a armature ,magnetic tie down system and miliput from Animation tool kit I also spend the rest of my Amazon voucher on the animators survival guide. Pictures below...

So shiny and new!

Bigger then expected

It is quite big!!

A sneak
 peak of the inside!

The book is so pretty, I can't wait too read it properly but that will have to wait as its 36ish days till my first exam!

I also got an armature as I wanted to have a go at 3D and more realistic animating for quite a while
It comes in a film canister!

 I decided to put it together because it was too exciting to wait till after my exams! so I started by laying out all the pieces.

That is a lot of pieces! 

The master plan!

I put most of it together and I found out one of the pieces was missing the threaded bit in the hole so  could finish putting together yet... perhaps something is telling me to to more revising?
so I will post a proper picture when its done!

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