
All animations can be viewed on my you tube channel HERE (unless they are unlisted but there are links on the Blog)

Sunday 2 November 2014

Verry Short animations

So I had recently changed the layout of my bedroom so now have more space were my desk it to hopefully make it easier to create animations!

I wanted to make some animations but I didn't want to spend ages and ages on one so though I would start making shorter Stop motions of about 10 seconds partly for fun but also to improve and try new things with out having to commit to a longer time consuming animation.

I did this one fist and made it quite quickly it turned out okay but the lighting was terrible and perhaps it wasn't as smooth as it could have been considering it was only very short however this was due to having to work backward and cut the stem of which did go aw well as id hoped.
I then did this one and I prefer it a lot! the lighting was more consistent and  more frames were taken giving it an overall better look.
However practice makes perfect and I plan to make many more short animations!

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