
All animations can be viewed on my you tube channel HERE (unless they are unlisted but there are links on the Blog)

Sunday 29 December 2013

Thank you film award!!

I found out about this competition only a week and a bit before the deadline. It was run by the university of Birmingham and explored the idea of gratitude.

I decided I would do it for Girl Guiding volunteers as I know how much work and time they put it do running great activities.

I got an email saying it had been short listed and that I was invited to the Prince Charles cinema in Leicester square  to view the films and find out who had won.

Waiting to find out who has won was very scary.
I ended up winning the secondary school category but the runner up was extremely good it was very close.

Not only did I get a very nice clapper board trophy I was also lucky to win a Cannon 1100D camera!! which I now use for my animation.

(820 photos)

Along with the winner in other areas and the runner ups I was invited to a film workshop, it was aimed at  normal films but he did show some stop motions and the making of them..

At the end I was presented with a book from Lee. Thank you lee!!!. All about stop motions how to create and share stop motions it by Melvyn Ternan. It is extremely good and packed with ideas and helpful tips. It also gives QR code to animations so you can view them and also gives some information about the making or where the ideas came from. I would highly recommend it to any one that would like more information on making a stop motion or people that are already interested.

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