
All animations can be viewed on my you tube channel HERE (unless they are unlisted but there are links on the Blog)

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Verry Short animations

So I had recently changed the layout of my bedroom so now have more space were my desk it to hopefully make it easier to create animations!

I wanted to make some animations but I didn't want to spend ages and ages on one so though I would start making shorter Stop motions of about 10 seconds partly for fun but also to improve and try new things with out having to commit to a longer time consuming animation.

I did this one fist and made it quite quickly it turned out okay but the lighting was terrible and perhaps it wasn't as smooth as it could have been considering it was only very short however this was due to having to work backward and cut the stem of which did go aw well as id hoped.
I then did this one and I prefer it a lot! the lighting was more consistent and  more frames were taken giving it an overall better look.
However practice makes perfect and I plan to make many more short animations!

Paranorman and Boxtrolls

So bit of a side not I recently watched Paranorman after being told the making of book was really good however I couldn't read the book with out watching the film! but the book came before I watched the film and I could resist a sneaky look!

I really enjoyed the film and the book gives a really good insight in to the making of and really does help you appreciate all the work that goes into a stop motion!

Highly recommend this book!!!

Sneak peak...Such a crowded desk ...

The Boxtrolls is another Stop motion film made by the same company and I came across it a while ago whilst doing my Media coursework and I am pretty sure I wrote about it in the exam! However It came out a while ago and I still haven't watched and but McDonalds released toys for it which was very exciting and I got strange looks going in there asking just for the toy! however they are super cool and I now have two of them.....


Wheels- on a unicycle!!
Wheels is my favourite as I can unicycle!

And I will  most likely watch the film when it comes out on DVD!!

PJ's Film Club - August

So....I am the worst person at updating things...I have no excuse as I have a new laptop were all the keys work and USB's can be plugged it!, which is far to exciting during the summer I went Austria got my A-level results had a moment of what on earth am I actually going.. applied through clearing wasn't successful BUT kinda know what I am going to do now so that makes me a bit happier!

I did very little in terms of animation in the summer I did however start putting together a portfolio which is always a good thing to have!

At the end of the summer holiday I brought a pj's  Film club box click here for more information! was very exciting waiting for it to come who doesn't love post! Anyway  it came with a make your own zombie film kit which funnily enough I actually got one for Christmas but didn't get round to using it!
I obviously decided to make an a animation with the content, however I wanted to used everything the box came with including the box!
So I made a plan!!

I made some stamps for the box...
Another stamp...

And another stamp ... space is a long way away you know!
 The next part for the zombies needed a makeshift 3D living room, so I used some mount board for the sides but naturally needed wall paper and flooring however it is hard to get wallpaper with a small enough pattern so I settled for some wrapping paper although my forward planning didn't go as far as what colour the furniture would need to be to be seen. I also ended up with wooden style flooring which came in sheets from the 99p shop as I remembered seeing them quite some time ago! So let the building commence... I rather enjoyed it!
Flat packed...

The rather fetching wallpaper and seeing what shade of blue was best..
 I though id go for a cartoony look so wanted 3D looking furniture that was flat and I soon discovered It was harder than I though to draw a flat 3D sofa!

weren't too bad but jus didn't look right...

The final one!

Lots of tape to keep it together... I need to invest in better tape!

The final set!

 I am quite pleased with the final look of the living room and the plot of the film however I wish Id taken more frames however its a learning curve and one of the few times I used actual 3D things!