
All animations can be viewed on my you tube channel HERE (unless they are unlisted but there are links on the Blog)

Monday, 25 May 2015

Art course

I am terrible at updating!

I have done some animation since I tried the light box, The most resent is in the editing process so will post about it later.

I didn't do much animation from Christmas as I did an art course at the local adult education for 10 weeks as I never did art past GCSE. Here are some pics of a few things I did..
This was the first weeks task.

My first go at painting with acrylic!

Experimenting with using a sponge. 

My favorite from the course, its huge about A2. done with charcoal.
 Not done on the course but because my Mum owns chickens and really wanted a panting of one!

Birthday present sorted!

Testing how hard a chicken was!

These were only a few because I didn't actually finish a few but I am happy with how they turned out. Considering not actually taking art or any thing since Year 9.